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Tree Cities of the World

Birmingham TreePeople approached the City of Birmingham to apply to become a part of the Tree Cities in 2019. The Trustees were aware that our city exceeded the 5 separate criteria standards to successfully achieve it. We were incredibly proud, and still are, to receive this honour.

Tree Cities of the World banner being held by BTP, Councillors from BCC, and others in celebrations of Birmingham's recognition.
12/07/19 | Trees for Cities, Birmingham Trees for Life and Arbor Day Foundation President Dan Lambe met with BTP, to discuss Tree Cities of the World. Thank you to Cabinet Members Waseem Zaffar and John O’Shea for their support.

Why was Tree Cities started?

Mantova Green Cities Challenge, issued by world leaders during the 2018 World Forum on Urban Forests, included the Tree Cities of the World programme. This will connect cities worldwide, sharing our hard work, using other successful approaches to managing urban forests. This will continue to improve through the global network of arboriculture and forestry professionals. Here is the list of partners.

What is the programme about?

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Arbor Day Foundation have developed this programme to celebrate greener cities and towns worldwide. To spread Tree Cities across the globe, they collaborate with similar organisations to provide support to community leaders.

“Urban forests help define a sense of place and well-being where people live, work, play, and learn. The Tree Cities of the World programme is an international effort to recognize cities and towns committed to ensuring that their urban forests and trees are properly maintained, sustainably managed, and duly celebrated.” – Arbor Day Foundation

Tree Cities graphic

Here is a link to the Tree Cities homepage, where you can read more information about this global programme.

What are the benefits of our Tree City status?

Trees make money: they are an asset. Reducing costs for energy, managing storm-water, and controlling erosion.

Public relations and publicity have not been scarce. We hope to continue our growth with our many activities to improve Birmingham’s green-space.

Boosts community property values & strengthens community relations & pride, by showing our commitment through the delivery of our projects.

The 5 core standards provide a framework for future endeavors, but BTP already met the criteria, so we will continue as we began.