Tree Cities of the World banner image

Tree Cities of the World

Tree Cities of the World banner being held by BTP, Councillors from BCC, and others in celebrations of Birmingham's recognition.
12/07/19 | Trees for Cities, Birmingham Trees for Life and Arbor Day Foundation President Dan Lambe met with BTP, to discuss Tree Cities of the World. Thank you to Cabinet Members Waseem Zaffar and John O’Shea for their support.

“Urban forests help define a sense of place and well-being where people live, work, play, and learn. The Tree Cities of the World programme is an international effort to recognize cities and towns committed to ensuring that their urban forests and trees are properly maintained, sustainably managed, and duly celebrated.” – Arbor Day Foundation

Tree Cities graphic

What are the benefits of our Tree City status?

Tree People Network Day
Tree Cities of the World UK Tree Cities Forum 2024, Birmingham TreePeople with Arbor Day Foundation
Tree People Network Day 2024, panellists