tree stock image, city centre, phil formby, tree equity


memorial tree under the treemembrance scheme

As a consequence we are not able to accept planting proposals for designated country parks or areas of special conservation status (LNR, SSSI, SLINC). This will include, but is not limited to, Sutton Park, Woodgate Valley, and Lickey Hills. Please contact us beforehand if you think your area falls in these categories.

We do not consider the installation of plaques. They are generally contrary to the management of public sites outside of designated bereavement areas. We no longer endorse the use of tree tags for environmental and practical reasons, therefore the use of plaques, tags, markers, etc. are not encouraged.

Treemembrance Request Form

Memorial and remembrance tree application or request form.

Full name of the sponsor.
Full address of the sponsor.
Tell us where you would like your tree to be planted:
A short description of the location within the park or green space:
Please choose three options from the Appendix A: Tree Species Selection, and write them here:
If you do not know what species to select, please choose between the two options:
This information will appear on our website’s dedication page. Please choose one of the following three options:
The name of the person or event for treemembrance:
The dates of the event or person for Treemembrance:
Please specify to whom and where you want the certificate and location map mailed after the tree is planted. Leave this section blank if it is the same as above.
Please specify to whom and where you want the certificate and location map mailed after the tree is planted. Leave this section blank if it is the same as above.
Upload extra documents if necessary. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
Max. file size: 100 MB.
If you agree with the cost of £750 and T&C’s to plant a new commemorative tree, please sign your name below.