Category: Training

Grafting Workshop

Lawrence Weston, Trustee in charge of the new Orchard Programme, has recently run five incredible grafting workshops in South Birmingham, after launching the project. We were joined by Minworth Action Projects at the Minworth workshops, who we recently planted a new orchard with, and continuing that work, these grafting sessions are designed to give local […]

Minworth Orchard

A new orchard was planted last weekend in Minworth, alongside Minworth Action Projects and Friends of Stephens Pond & Berryfields Orchard. The crisp January morning consisted of the community coming together to plant 22 new fruit trees, opposite The Boat Inn on Old Kingsbury Road, for everyone to care for and enjoy for the foreseeable […]

Enchanted Orchard Tree Planting

Celebrating Benjamin Zephaniah and his love of fruit trees! 19th December we planted The Zephaniah Forest’s Orchard in Burbury Park. The Zephaniah Forest saw a momentous planting day take place on 19th December, where we teamed up with not only the Benjamin Zephaniah Family Legacy Group, but also Burbury Park Community Forum, Birmingham Empowerment Forum, […]

Minworth Press Release

Community Orchard Planting in Minworth, East Birmingham Birmingham TreePeople and the Minworth Action Projects are supporting biodiversity and developing green spaces, by planting a community orchard for Minworth residents, thanks to funding from The Tree Council’s Branching Out Fund. Branching Out provides grants ranging from £250 to £2,500 in value to community groups, schools, small […]

Daisy Farm Park Tree Planting

We had the pleasure of planting trees with pupils from Highters Heath Community School once again this year (they are becoming quite the enthusiastic tree-planting squad), after we had arranged with the Friends of Daisy Farm Park to have six new elms planted, replacing the old lost street colonnade. Steve (President of FDFP) and Mac […]

Pests and Diseases Training

Free monthly urban forest volunteer training covered pests and diseases this month, in Handsworth Park with Tonia Clark. This wonderful morning session in the park, Saturday 16th November, saw the volunteers learning the risks to trees that come with illness and creepy crawlies, just like us humans. Fungi is ever-present, but what is that pattern […]

Vandalism in Gravelly Hill

We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but we have found some rather malicious vandalism during our street tree survey in Gravelly Hill, on 28th August. Several of our newly planted trees have been intentionally attacked. Three of this year’s plantings have been sawn off at the base. They’re planted adjacent to each […]

Operations Manager

Would you like to seek employment with Birmingham TreePeople? We are looking to recruit an Operations Manager. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 18th September 2024 9am. Application forms (found on this page) should be sent to Tonia Clark, Chair: [email protected] (CVs will not be accepted). Interviews will take place the week beginning Monday 23rd September, and the […]

Winners: School Poster Competition

Announcing the Winners Now that St. Joseph’s and Cromwell schools have been notified, and their winning pupils are aware of their posters adorning new trees in their ward, we can announce the winning posters online! Yesterday, Katy Hawkins walked around Nechells, installing the creative, hand-drawn posters by local children on our newly planted trees! This […]

School Tree Care Workshops

Katy Hawkins recently visited St. Joseph’s Primary School in Nechells, to host some creative tree care and identification sessions with three of the school’s classes. Years 1 to 3 spent some time with Katy over two days, learning creatively just why trees are so important, sharing their youthful and thoughtful insights. The children talked with […]

Street Trees Nechells

A record-worthy effort by the Street Tree surveyors yesterday, Saturday 29th June in Nechells, with a total of 61 trees surveyed! Thank you to Nina, Julianne, Mario, Tanim, Charley, Alex, Jeevan, Lawrence, and Kathy for wonderful morning and afternoon sessions tree surveying! LOTS of pruning, as well as stake and tie removals; the most we’ve […]

Bartley Green Street Tree Survey

Nina Griffiths was out with her team of tree surveyors on Tuesday 18th June, where there were five interactions with Bartley Green residents, talking about our survey and what we do at Birmingham TreePeople! 29 trees were surveyed in the 2-hour time slot by the 8 surveyors, and lots of walking was done, enjoying the […]