Tonia Clark, Birmingham TreePeople’s current Chair, has been continuing her relationship with Eden Project Communities, by hosting another session with them identifying buds, at Birmingham Settlement Nature & Wellbeing Centre on 27th April, in Edgbaston.
Tonia ran this 3rd seminar on identifying the difference between tree buds and flowers, finding out which buds become flowers, and those that become leaves. The session was well-attended once again by many old and new tree-enthusiasts, and we are sure there will be another one very soon!
Thank you to Darren from EPC for maintaining our relationship, so we can educate new people on trees and nature, bringing communities together through the power of knowledge.

By addressing the skills gap in this field, we want to encourage newcomers to the trade, and starting at a simple seminar on identifying buds could be the beginning of your next, fascinating journey.