Katy Hawkins recently visited St. Joseph’s Primary School in Nechells, to host some creative tree care and identification sessions with three of the school’s classes.

Years 1 to 3 spent some time with Katy over two days, learning creatively just why trees are so important, sharing their youthful and thoughtful insights.

The children talked with Katy about the things we can do to help trees, and the things they do for us in return. The year 3 class was taken to see, identify, and water 4 of their local trees close to the school, and how best to do so, solidifying their place in the community, and hopefully encouraging them to look after the trees in the years to come.

Katy and the kids created The Woodland Trust inspired tree swatches, with information and drawings of their local trees, how to identify them, and how to care for them! They enjoyed their time learning with Katy, and rightly so, as they are the ones who will carry that legacy forward. Thank you, St. Joseph’s, for collaborating with us and letting us pass onto the residential youth the power of trees.