Tag: volunteers

Pests and Diseases Training

Free monthly urban forest volunteer training covered pests and diseases this month, in Handsworth Park with Tonia Clark. This wonderful morning session in the park, Saturday 16th November, saw the volunteers learning the risks to trees that come with illness and creepy crawlies, just like us humans. Fungi is ever-present, but what is that pattern […]

Writing Workshop

Poets Bradley Taylor (who has been working closely with us promoting the poetry competition) and Zakariye (our external judge representing the poetry community) ran a joint Zephaniah Forest Writing Workshop, on 30th October, at Cherry Reds’ in Birmingham City Centre. It was a truly wonderful session, with one attendee coming from Manchester, as well as […]

Caldmore Speaks Out

Caldmore Speaks Out was a truly wonderful event on Sunday 6th October filled with nature poetry, run by Poets, Prattlers & Pandemonialists at Caldmore Community Garden, hosted by Gracey Bee Poetry. We caught up with Barrington from Writers Without Borders, whose fabulous workshop inspired one of the poems that our Communications Manager read, as well […]

Zephaniah Forest Poetry Workshop

Bradley Taylor ran a fantastic Zephaniah Forest Poetry Workshop at Fletcher’s Bar, King’s Heath, 24th September. He has been working with us to promote the poetry competition for The Zephaniah Forest, as well as submitting his own poetry as well. As the Overcoat Poetry host, Bradley teamed up with us to run with incredible Benjamin […]

Sustainable Futures Festival

A magnificent day was had at Caldmore Community Garden’s Sustainable Futures Festival, where we were kindly invited to talk about The Zephaniah Forest and our poetry competition, encouraging people to write and submit their poetry with us towards Benjamin’s legacy trees in Burbury Park! With so many widely contributing community and corporate groups doing their […]

Benjamin Zephaniah: A Celebration

Yesterday’s (1st September) Benjamin Zephaniah: A Celebration held at the Midlands Arts Centre (MAC) was filled with positivity and emotion, as people gathered here to remember the Birmingham icon and celebrate with his family, friends, and many creative and nature-loving individuals from our beautiful city and beyond. With powerful performances from Jasmine Gardosi current Birmingham […]

Vandalism in Gravelly Hill

We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but we have found some rather malicious vandalism during our street tree survey in Gravelly Hill, on 28th August. Several of our newly planted trees have been intentionally attacked. Three of this year’s plantings have been sawn off at the base. They’re planted adjacent to each […]

65 Poems Workshop

Barrington Gordon led a riveting 65 poems workshop, focusing on constructing a draft for the Trees Please, Poetry Please call-out, which will see poems dedicated to a specific tree to be recorded on TreePlotter and our website for The Zephaniah Tree Trail. Barrington opened with a soothing mindfulness exercise, focusing on a particular tree of […]