Katy Hawkins of BTP helped the Nechells POD on a Tree Walk on 2nd November. The walk consisted of families and many children learning about local trees. Katy ran through some species and how to identify them, as well as an after-walk crafting session with the leaves they found. Despite the blustery and rainy weather it was a fantastic turnout, and those who attended enjoyed themselves whilst learning new things about trees.

There will be another Tree Walk on Tuesday 7th November with Katy and the Keoweyn Education and Community Centre, identifying trees and how to use leaves to makes teas. (CANCELLED)
We want to extend our thanks to the POD for the event, and Lee Marsham the local Nechells Labour Councillor for attending. Well done to Katy for leading the walk and activities, teaching the younger generation the magic of green spaces.

Photos provided by Nechells POD and Lee Marsham.