We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but we have found some rather malicious vandalism during our street tree survey in Gravelly Hill, on 28th August. Several of our newly planted trees have been intentionally attacked. Three of this year’s plantings have been sawn off at the base. They’re planted adjacent to each other and have been vandalised in the same manner. A third tree was vandalised within 30 metres, and had been done rather recently, as the saw dust is fresh.

It greatly saddens us to see our trees not make it to maturity for whatever reason – may it be disease, climate change, or other factors, but vandalism is by far the most heartbreaking for us to witness. Birmingham TreePeople are working to change the minds of people who dislike trees and nature (how could you?!), by reiterating the benefits that trees bring to us, as though in a symbiotic relationship.
Trees have been here far longer than humans, but now we are so populous, it is up to us to protect our precious planet, and all its life forms, especially our street trees that give so much back to the urban environment – just by existing!

We hope to lee less vandalism in the future. Looking on the bright side…
On the upside: Thank you to Lawrence, Tanim, Val, and Meena for surveying 30 trees with Nina across Gravelly Hill and Alum Rock. There were also 3 positive interactions with residents, and one more the following day in Perry Barr, with Lawrence and Tanim; 26 trees were surveyed!
If you ever come across any damaged trees, please report them to either Birmingham City Council or Kier Group PLC.
Please visit our webpage on tree equity to find out more about what trees can do for you. If you’d like to become a part of the surveying team, please go to this webpage and follow the link to the Google Form.
Project sponsored by: West Midlands Combined Authority, Heart of England Community Foundation.