We planted 6 new trees on the Vauxhall Road estate this morning. They were planted alongside Nechells POD and their lovely members, who got stuck right in with the digging!

Two Autumn Purples, two redwoods, and two planes have graced the green space in Nechells. This is thanks to Katy of BTP, Chantelle Henry from the POD and the wonderful group, as well as Malcolm, Mark, and Steve from the Woodland team.
There were a lot of bricks, but the hard work was worth it, thanks to the joint effort. We also enjoyed some leafy teas and coffee afterwards to warm up. Agatha, a regular POD member, read a beautiful poem she wrote for Christmas to welcome the new trees. The new redwoods and planes have been decorated to celebrate!

A huge thanks to the Woodland team again for their fantastic support, Chantelle, Katy, and Andy of Birmingham City Council for organising this community planting. We look forward to more tree walks in the New Year!

Chantelle’s laminated tags to decorate the newly planted trees on Bloomsbury and Vauxhall with the teams that did so!
If you look closely, you can see Simon, Lee, and Majid, from the last planting session with the POD.