After the residents were given the chance to vote between two tree species, the Japonica was chosen to be the newly planted tree today at Windsor Place, Nechells.
Katy Hawkins of BTP, Birmingham City Council‘s Woodland team (Steve and Mark), and Michael from Sheltered Housing, organised this residential tree planting and have worked hard to add this new tree to the growing green space.
Naima, one of the lovely residents at Windsor Place, Nechells, kindly joined us for the tree planting (thank you!). We all shared some coffee and laughs during the crisp planting morning.
We christened the tree altogether! Jackie Japonica was a suggested name, but we also wanted to name the tree using all our initials. However, there were too many consonants… therefore we decided on ‘Windsor’. Welcome to Nechells, Windsor!

Huge thanks to Michael and the Woodland team for all their help, and we look forward to the next one!

Windsor has their roots in the ground! So when is the next one?

We wanted to remind everyone our next community planting will take place Sunday 17th Dec, at the Home and Queens Tower blocks in Nechells. Katy and Charley, pictured left, would love to see you there, especially if you’re a resident! Contact us if you’d like more information.