A fabulous morning has been had in Bromford, planting 8 trees with 7 representatives from Arconic!

The BCC Parks Team came out earlier to dig the holes, and the Arconic team were keen to get stuck in! The A-team (from the Kitts Green site) consisted of: Danny Stokes, Penny Chen, Victoria Redman, Angela Scott (Foundation Lead), Jamie Stone, Tony Hawthorn, and Steve Williams. You can see the fun they had in the videos!
Arconic funded via One Tree Planted, for us to provide the trees we’ve been planting this planting season. Thank you for everything you’ve done!
It was an energetic and collaborative morning. Two of the team members told Julianne Statham they’ll be visiting to check up on the trees they’ve planted.The 8 trees were 4 sophora saponica, 2 platanus orientalis var minaret, 1 liquidambar styraciflua var worplesdon, and 1 gleditsia triacanthos… Do you know what the common names for these trees are?
Finally, BTP were well represented with Julianne, Simon Needle, and Steve Watson (who recently tended and pruned the trees planted in 2008 in Edgbaston Guinea Gardens) in attendance.

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in this project with us and made all the green magic happen around Birmingham!