We were joined by friends from the Refugee and Migrant Centre, on 6th February 2025, to help plant nine more trees in The Zephaniah Forest. Together we spent the morning digging holes and carefully unwrapping the trees, ready for their new home in Burbury Park. Millicent Springer, sister of Benjamin and member of the Benjamin Zephaniah Family Legacy Group, also joined this wonderful planting session in her brother’s honour.
We planted a mix of species, including Catalpa (Bean tree), Fagus sylvatica Purpurea (purple Beech), Tamarix Africana, Chitalpa (Desert willow) and two Cornus or Dogwood cultivars. The multi-stemmed Cornus are left without cages – to spread their branches without risking damage – whilst the taller, top heavy Chitalpa was supported with a cage and stakes. In both cases, the aim is to build strength in the trees as they resist the forces that are sometimes against them. Their roots eventually giving them greater security.

Thank you to the volunteers from the Refugee & Migrant Centre, as well as Ranger Penny and the Woodland Team from sponsor Birmingham City Council, as well as our other sponsors Trees for Cities and Veolia, for making this incredible quest happen: the quest to honour Benjamin Zephaniah by planting 65 trees in The Zephaniah Forest.