Tag: celebration

Urban Tree Festival 2024

Urban Tree Festival: Tree Equity Online Seminar The Woodland Trust kindly invited us to speak at their Tree Equity seminar, as part of the Urban Tree Festival 2024. After Paul Wood from Urban Tree Festival introduced the Tree Equity seminar as part of the wider festivities, Adam Cormack from The Woodland Trust introduced Tree Equity […]

iTree Eco Tree Planting

We gathered in Loxton Park, 26th January 2024, to plant three trees to celebrate the success of the iTree Eco Survey of 2023. The survey was commissioned by West Midlands Combined Authority and carried out in partnership between BTP, Treeconomics, Barton Hyett, and Forest Research. The Mayor of West Midlands, Andy Street, joined us to […]

Best of Brum at the Urban Tree Festival 2021

The fourth Urban Tree Festival runs from 15-23 May 2021 and Birmingham is the first city to feature within the festival, with its own festival hub page of tree-related events and activities. Birmingham TreePeople, together with local artists, practitioners and others groups, have come together to contribute eight festival events, all of which are free […]