Tag: news

Has the Sycamore Gap felling inspired others to do the same?

By now the tragic news of the mindless felling at Sycamore Gap has circulated far and wide. Various media outlets have released regular updates on the ancient vandalism, and the attempts to replant a future sapling. However, closer to home, there has been a similar incident. Sycamore Gap: Vandalism Granted its not a historical landmark, […]

Trees a Crowd: “56(ish) Trees”

“The Trees a Crowd podcast is a series of informal conversations with artists, scientists and enthusiasts; a mutual celebration of the beauty of the environment and the way it inspires them as human beings.” “Hosted by artist, actor and ambassador to both the Wildlife Trusts and the Woodland Trust, David Oakes, each episode explores how […]

Big Green Sunday

The Big Green Weekender, where we attended Big Green Sunday, was a hit! The Midlands Arts Centre, situated next to Cannon Hill Park in Moseley, held a family-orientated event that celebrated innovation towards our shared future on this planet, supporting climate action, sustainability, and all things green. BTP had our stand in a busy hub […]

Planting Sites: TreePlotter

These are the proposed planting sites that BTP are undertaking during the upcoming planting season: https://uk.pg-cloud.com/BTP/?scenario=PlantingSites Once the locations are finalised, more plots will be added in the near future. As part of our tree planting strategy, we are targeting several priority wards to increase the canopy cover and green-space. Using TreePlotter, we can accurately […]

iTree Eco Survey… Survey!

Dee Brettle, BTP Trustee, took place in the iTree Eco Survey of 2023 alongside many other eager urban forest volunteers. She has created a survey for those of your who took part, if you can please follow this link here you will find the survey. Thank you all in advance, and for the work put […]

Summer Social 2023: How did it go?

The rain didn’t dampen these volunteers’ spirits because BTP’s Summer Social of 2023 had a room full in attendance. As our successes and endeavours continue to grow, we wanted to share the day with old and new volunteers, giving presentations, talks and workshops to display our ongoing work in Birmingham. We want to continue building […]

MAC’s Big Green Weekender

BTP will have a stall alongside fellow organisation BOSF on Sunday 17th September, at MAC’s Big Green Weekender, promoting trees and the urban forest. If you are interested, and hopefully you are, please come along and visit us! The stall will be looked after by several Trustees and employees throughout the day, and we would […]

iTree Eco? Completed!

As of roughly 8pm last night (02/07/23), the iTree Eco 2023 citizen science survey, carried out by our incredible team of urban forest volunteers, has been COMPLETED! A huge congrats to the volunteers, who have completed the survey faster than any of its kind previously. That’s no mere feat, and we want to make sure […]

West Midlands commissions large-scale study of its tree population

What are we doing? Citizen science groups and volunteers, engaged through local urban forest volunteer schemes, will play a significant role in a new study of the West Midlands urban forest. The study, commissioned by the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), will investigate and record the composition, condition, ecosystem services, replacement value, and many other […]

iTree Eco: first practical training session

To kick-start the July white rabbit, the iTree Eco survey that Birmingham TreePeople are undertaking (in conjunction with Treeconomics, Barton Hyett Associates Ltd and Forest Research), had its first surveying training session with the volunteers at Winterbourne House and Gardens. Over one hundred people have signed up to be a part of this nationwide survey, […]