Shade of the Canopy

Minworth Orchard

Minworth orchard planting - the full team of planters!

The new Minworth orchard in the January mist.

Family Legacy Tree Planting

Family Legacy tree planting - left to right is Frank, David, Joyce, and Millicent.

Enchanted Orchard Tree Planting

Minworth Press Release

Minworth Action Projects (MAP) banner

Daisy Farm Park Tree Planting

Kings Heath Treemembrance

BCU Volunteer Network Tree Planting

BCU students from the volunteer network planting The Zephaniah Forest trees with us (not all pictured)

Surveying Street Trees: Thank You!

Treemembrance – Bournville

Carl Green's family at the Treemembrance planting in Bournville Park.

17th Tree Planting

Ebony Hikers Tree Planting

The Zephaniah Forest’s First Tree for Tree Week

The Zephaniah Forest - Qian and the first tree

Velda's daughter with Velda's tree in The Zephaniah Forest

Pests and Diseases Training

Trees for Tree Week!

Mac, Charley, Julianne, Dee, Nina, Matt - collecting the trees for tree week DONE!

Burbury Park Poetree Walk

Burbury Park Poetree Walk: Zakariye, Bradley, Julianne, Nathan, Charley