Category: Planting

iTree Eco Tree Planting

We gathered in Loxton Park, 26th January 2024, to plant three trees to celebrate the success of the iTree Eco Survey of 2023. The survey was commissioned by West Midlands Combined Authority and carried out in partnership between BTP, Treeconomics, Barton Hyett, and Forest Research. The Mayor of West Midlands, Andy Street, joined us to […]

Debt Justice Treemembrance Planting

A special Gingko Biloba tree was planted today, in the City Centre Gardens, to celebrate the 11-mile-long human chain that circled Birmingham on 16th May 1998, organised by the Debt Justice Coalition. 70,000 people changed the world, as $130 billion of debt was cancelled because of this mass protest, with buses bringing campaigners from Europe. The commemorative plaque […]

Bromford Tree Planting

For the final community planting day of 2023, Bromford received a myriad of new trees. It was a warm and welcome occasion, even though it’s Winter now. We dug and planted trees alongside Birmingham City Council’s Woodland Team and a few Tree Officers, Open Door, and Friends of Hodge Hill Common. Our wonderful BTP team […]

A ‘Dodgy’ Tree?

Whist checking the TreePlotter planting locations during the preparation for National Tree Week 2023, Ian McDermott of Birmingham TreePeople, and Andy Allison and Peter Hill of Birmingham City Council, came across a rather ‘dodgy-looking’ tree on Sunridge Avenue, Newtown. The sizable, white willow tree is situated next to a busy, residential car park, attached to […]

Hodge Hill Tree Planting

On the 2nd December 2023, the Friends of Hodge Hill Common and Birmingham TreePeople teamed up to plant a new tree on Coleshill Road. We planted a beautiful semi-mature tree for Tree Week, even though the winter frost had just set in! Simon Needle transported the new sweet gum to the planting location using the […]

Planting with T4C

Trees for Cities, the facilitator for this year’s National Tree Week tree planting, joined the BTP and BCC teams on 28th November, to green up Newtown in Birmingham. Mac, Steve, and Julianne, three of BTP’s Trustees, assisted the BCC Woodland and City Parks teams, helping the T4C corporate volunteers put the new trees in the […]

The Urban Forest Accelerator brings a quirky, sustainable touch

What is the Urban Forest Accelerator? The Urban Forest Accelerator is a partnership project focusing on the urban forest. National Trust, Woodland Trust, and Community Forest Trust currently support a range of Councils and diverse communities with significant urban green estates, with high potential to increase trees and woods that enhance existing heritage and create […]

It’s Almost Tree Week

Now that planting season is upon us and Tree Week approaches, we are focusing our attention on five low-canopy cover wards in Birmingham. This will take place throughout the last week of November and the first week of December. These wards are Nechells, Bromford and Hodge Hill (under the Heritage Fund grant for the UFA […]

Has the Sycamore Gap felling inspired others to do the same?

By now the tragic news of the mindless felling at Sycamore Gap has circulated far and wide. Various media outlets have released regular updates on the ancient vandalism, and the attempts to replant a future sapling. However, closer to home, there has been a similar incident. Sycamore Gap: Vandalism Granted its not a historical landmark, […]