Group surveying sessions will now stop for December and January. Planning to resume from February with surveying dates on weekdays (Monday am/pm, Tuesday pm) and weekends (Saturday/Sunday) to be published in the new year. Thank you to everyone for your hard work, we have made a big dent in the number of trees surveyed so […]
Tag: tree care
Community Environment Fund 2024 Award: Street Tree Project
West Midlands Combined Authority have bestowed on BTP a Community Environment Fund 2024 Award, to celebrate the work we have done during the ongoing Street Tree Survey project! Tonia Clark, BTP Chair, is pictured here with the Deputy Mayor Councillor Sharon Thompson receiving the award on behalf of BTP and its incredible surveying team. The […]
Vandalism in Gravelly Hill
We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but we have found some rather malicious vandalism during our street tree survey in Gravelly Hill, on 28th August. Several of our newly planted trees have been intentionally attacked. Three of this year’s plantings have been sawn off at the base. They’re planted adjacent to each […]
Poetree Workshop
Katy Hawkins led a wonderful Poetree workshop with Bradley Taylor last weekend, working with Open Door and Greener Cleaner Firs and Bromford, starting at The Hub, their welcoming community space. Katy led the first part of the walk, pointing out details of local trees recently planted using mindful techniques and descriptions, encouraging the group to […]
Street Trees Nechells
A record-worthy effort by the Street Tree surveyors yesterday, Saturday 29th June in Nechells, with a total of 61 trees surveyed! Thank you to Nina, Julianne, Mario, Tanim, Charley, Alex, Jeevan, Lawrence, and Kathy for wonderful morning and afternoon sessions tree surveying! LOTS of pruning, as well as stake and tie removals; the most we’ve […]
Bartley Green Street Tree Survey
Nina Griffiths was out with her team of tree surveyors on Tuesday 18th June, where there were five interactions with Bartley Green residents, talking about our survey and what we do at Birmingham TreePeople! 29 trees were surveyed in the 2-hour time slot by the 8 surveyors, and lots of walking was done, enjoying the […]
Perry Barr Street Trees
Street Tree Update
Street Trees in Sparkbrook Our urban forest volunteers have been working diligently to survey the 3,000 street trees during the funded project this year, so Meena Haynes (one of our innovative volunteers) has devised her own tool to help her in her local area: an incredibly useful 1.5m plywood measuring stick, like a giant ruler. […]
Tree Inspection
Ian McDermott took the L2 Arboriculture class out, for their final session on Tree Inspection, on Saturday 13th April. He hosted the class in Handsworth Park, where the Sons of Rest has recently received a new tribute mural to a prominent Birmingham figure, painted by Bunny Bread. The memorial was revealed the following day in […]
Street Tree Survey: Nechells
Nina Griffiths, BTP Trustee for Street Trees, held another survey session on Sunday 7th April. Not allowing Storm Kathleen to blow in and ruin our entire day, Nina and the other surveyors came for the morning session and surveyed the 10 trees in the area that were on the list (there were more, but a […]
Winter Tree Identification
On Saturday 16 March, we gathered in Highbury Park, with Highbury Park Friends, to host a training session on winter tree identification. After the success of the previous session here in December 2023, this tree talk ran effortlessly, and was incredibly informative on the mostly native trees that dwell in this green space. The joint […]
Apple Pruning
Street Tree Survey: Hodge Hill
Nina Griffiths, BTP Trustee for the Street Tree Survey, held another survey session on Sunday 3rd March, split into two am and pm sessions. Deanne Brettle, BTP Trustee for Tree Trails, also assisted Nina and the urban forest volunteers during the training. Martyn and his wife Cath signed up as urban forest volunteers last year, […]
Orchard Pruning Training with Open Door
We hosted a wonderful and well-attended orchard pruning training session this morning, alongside Open Door, where we met an Ambridge House in Bromford to talk about the history of the trees in the area, as well as the new community orchard, and the pruning of the growing fruit trees. Cath Fletcher began the seminar by […]
Orchard Pruning at Manor Park Farm
Manor Park Farm’s orchard pruning volunteering session had a wonderful turnout. We met on a pleasant morning at the farm, at the invitation of their friends group. We had been asked to lend a hand, pruning some trees in the orchard, and removing dead ones. The day was led by BTP stalwart and Trustee Nina […]