Shade of the Canopy

Green Spaces & Green Prescriptions: BOSF Conference 2023

We gathered once again to talk about green spaces last Saturday 7th October. Birmingham TreePeople (BTP) attended the Annual Birmingham Open Spaces Forum (BOSF) Conference. It was held at the Midlands Arts Centre (MAC), amongst many other Friends and environmental groups. The aim of the yearly gatherings is to update and thank the various volunteer groups, for their committed work throughout Birmingham. It also spreads awareness of the importance of nature and green spaces, sharing ideas between partners.

After a short introduction by Emma Woolf, introducing us to BOSF Trustees, Councillor Majid Mahmood gave his speech. The Cabinet Member for the Environment thanked the devoted non-profits for the 24,000 days of volunteering provided to the city. This is no mere feat, he explained, as these days equal over a million pounds of investment. Investment that goes back into green spaces and urban forests.

Darren Share, attending his last conference as BCC Head of Parks, followed Councillor Mahmood’s talk. He pushed the importance of links to nature and green spaces. BTP helped the city gain the status of Tree City of the World back in 2019. That’s one reason why Share could comfortably state that Birmingham is ahead of other UK cities. He stated he has travelled extensively around the UK, but nowhere has the volunteering network that this metropolis has. Raising the profile of our work can only help us create and preserve more green space.

The Greater Good of Green Spaces

Individual members of groups within the audience had the chance to participate in a question-and-answer session, with Councillor Mahmood and Share. The former was enlightening, informing us the Council would like this to be “the city of a thousand parks”. Thus, improving the mental health and well-being of local residents.

Councillor Majid Mahmoodand Darren Share, during the BOSF Conference 2023, highlighting the importance of green spaces during questions and answers

Alternatively, the unfortunate austerity bought about by budget cuts impacted on Birmingham’s 631 parks (two of these the largest in the country) in different ways. Some worse than others, and those smaller parks need some extra help – especially with fly-tipping.

A keen spectator asked:
“How can what we are doing be seen in a wider context of benefitting the city?”
Share rightly pointed out that research gathered from the work we do speaks for itself, as well as informing the Council. Mahmood highlighted the clear link between mental and physical health and open spaces. If dialogue can be created between the groups, the city, and public health – with social or ‘green’ prescribing starting to take off – a connection between us and nature can be further established. This will build upon the current projects and achievements of the passionate volunteers.

“Parks play a wider role than just being fun.”

– Councillor Majid Mahmood

Jeevan Jones, of the Save Birmingham campaign, gave a presentation highlighting their intentions of registering assets of community value. This will help communities protect and provide green spaces, or other environmental features and buildings, for the years to come. They will do this by finding out what the residents care about around their wards, to register assets – through consultation with Commissioners if possible – of community value. BOSF have recently joined the Save Birmingham campaign.

Save Birmingham, at the BOSF Conference 2023 - everyone holding up the save birmingham leaflets for a photo
Save Birmingham at the BOSF Conference 2023. Everyone holding up the leaflets for a photo with Jeevan. Click here to see their version of the photo on Instagram!

The Friends of the Parks’ Tree Trails, with BTP: Green Spaces & Green Prescriptions Part 1

After the ‘Just A Minute’ updates with representatives of each group, Ian (Mac) McDermott opened the Tree Trails presentation with the usual injection of humour. He delved into the background of BTP: our status as Tree City, being the largest volunteer network in the country, having a primary hand in the Urban Forest Master Plan, and a Call-To-Action for volunteers for the Street Tree Survey and our upcoming Nechells and Newtown tree planting.

Mac also added onto the health and social aspect of the Tree Trails. He proclaimed the evident nature of the walks being inherently healthy for the mind and body, making the Friends’ trails perfect for green prescriptions. The more trees the walk has, the more steps per trail or from tree to tree, the inclusion of hills and gradients… They all contribute towards this concept. With this in mind, Mac, also a representative of the Friends of Brunswick Park, mentioned their new Tree Trail ‘The Newbs’, focusing on newly planted trees.

Deanne Brettle, BTP Trustee and BIFoR Project Manager, explained the ease of mapping the trees for each trail using TreePlotter. The software ensures that users will need a mobile and internet connection, but digitising the walks guarantees more information. This includes images of different seasons.

Dee Brettle from BTP giving her presentation of tree trails and the importance of this green space.

Split Sessions:
Bird Walk & Social Prescribing

Green Spaces and Green Prescriptions Part 2

After a second round of ‘Just A Minute’, and a fruitful networking lunch with trail enquiries, the tree congregation parted into two halves. Natalie of RSPB, gave a riveting walk and talk about the local birds around Cannon Hill Park. Meanwhile, Emma directed an indoor session probing into more health and social prescribing.

It was noted that our environmental groups have been green prescribing before it was even ‘a thing’. Despite the struggles with approaching social prescribing, it’s certainly the way forward. Pond dipping, bird walks, wood walks, tree trails, planting, surveying; any and all of these outdoor activities can contribute positively towards mental health and well-being. It can even function as preventative, it tackles anxiety, it improves mindfulness and connection.

Mac (BTP), Jill (FoBP), Helen (BOSF), and Becky (BOSF) enjoying the Bird Walk, by Natalie (RSPB).
Mac (BTP), Jill (FoBP), Helen (BOSF), and Becky (BOSF) enjoying the Bird Walk by Natalie (RSPB).

BTP intend to develop this idea of green prescriptions further, using the knowledge gained from the conference. We will do this by emphasising the extensive effort of the Friends’ and their Tree Trails. Developing these walks and providing them online would be a skilled and straightforward way to access them.

Final Words

Big thanks to Mary and Emma of BOSF, who hosted the conference confidently despite absences, making sure the groups know the BOSF Coffee Afternoon will take place on 7th November in Eco Building. As it creeps closer to Christmas, the BOSF Christmas Event will be at the Council House on December 12th. Thank you to all the inspiring volunteers and charities who continue to make Birmingham a better place.

Groups in attendance were The Friends of Cannon Hill, Handsworth, Ley Hill, Selly Oak, Swanshurst Parks and Bartley Reservoir, as well as Ampersand Project, Birmingham and Solihul Mental Health Trust, Fields Millenium Trust, Hill Hook Nature Reserve, Moseley in Bloom, Northfield Environmental Forum, RSPB, Save Birmingham, Seedcorn Fund, Springfield Project, Warm Earth.

Apologies if your group has been missed; this is not intentional. Please contact us to add a group name if you’d like to be credited.

Has the Sycamore Gap felling inspired others to do the same?

By now the tragic news of the mindless felling at Sycamore Gap has circulated far and wide. Various media outlets have released regular updates on the ancient vandalism, and the attempts to replant a future sapling. However, closer to home, there has been a similar incident.

Sycamore Gap: Vandalism

A felled street tree in Wednesbury - inspired by Sycamore Gap

Granted its not a historical landmark, but the destruction of a local street tree in Wednesbury, along Woden Road South, has been reported. The Cockspur Thorn, still a relatively young tree, was quite obviously, and purposely, chopped in half. The top half containing the fruitful canopy was left to fall and wither. Another tree of the same kind, further down the road, has been pushed over along with its supporting stake. It is not currently known if the second tree is a part of the same sabotage.

This incident took place roughly around the same time as the sycamore gap tree was publicised to have been secretly felled. One could surmise that the occurrences are related, and the defacement stated by the media has moved other vandals to do the same in their own community. We remain hopeful in the belief that residents of Wednesbury and wider populations can come together, to overcome these individual actions. Yet, this is not the first – nor the last – time street trees have been vandalised.

Street trees can help us

Our Street Tree Survey is still ongoing, but interim data has concluded that many of these trees die due to outside interference. Street trees are a vital cog in the urban clockwork, but receive little to no attention. They are even forcibly removed. Without the urban forest, heat islands will rise alongside pollution, and the landscape aesthetics will dwindle, biodiversity suffering with it.

The intent behind the felling of this street tree cannot be truly determined, only theorised. We hope that our dedicated urban forest volunteers, and the citizens of all neighbourhoods, can champion and protect our trees. For the good of the planet, and to honour our place on it.

Trees a Crowd: “56(ish) Trees”

“The Trees a Crowd podcast is a series of informal conversations with artists, scientists and enthusiasts; a mutual celebration of the beauty of the environment and the way it inspires them as human beings.”

Trees a Crowd podcast - banner screenshot from the website
Images taken from 56 trees

“Hosted by artist, actor and ambassador to both the Wildlife Trusts and the Woodland Trust, David Oakes, each episode explores how the countryside has inspired their careers as they reflect on how growing up within the natural world became working for the natural world.”

“Growing up in the New Forest and the Purbeck Jurassic Coast, David Oakes launched this podcast as a passion project to explore his lifelong fascination with the wild people and the wildlife that makes our planet its home.” – About Trees a Crowd

This particular podcast, entitled 56(ish) Trees, “[uproots] the secrets and stories beneath the 56(ish) Native Trees of the British Isles”, and makes up the third series. Click on the button link below to listen:

Big Green Sunday

The Big Green Weekender, where we attended Big Green Sunday, was a hit! The Midlands Arts Centre, situated next to Cannon Hill Park in Moseley, held a family-orientated event that celebrated innovation towards our shared future on this planet, supporting climate action, sustainability, and all things green.

Simon Needle on the BTP stand at Big Green Sunday in the MAC.

BTP had our stand in a busy hub on Big Green Sunday, in conjunction with BOSF, to promote tree planting, surveying, learning and collaboration. Many interested community members visited the stand throughout the day, conversing with fervour with the Trustees and Communications Officer, and several of our dedicated volunteers came to help us – thank you Val, Karen, and Rachel.

Volunteers Val and Karen who came to help us for big green sunday at the mac

We had many interesting conversations about Street Trees, Tree Trails, tree planting, species, and much more.

BOSF and BTP's stands getting busier at big green sunday at the mac.

Other devoted groups in attendance were Compost Culture, Birmingham Connected, Plastic Free Moseley & Kings Heath, amongst many others, and for this Family Day there were a multitude of activities and workshops throughout the day.

Thank you to the MAC for hosting the event and extending an invite, our Trustees who set up and looked after the stand, Deb from BOSF, our volunteers, and the wonderful community we spoke to. Hopefully we may see some as volunteers in the near future!

The BTP stand getting busier.

Planting Sites: TreePlotter

These are the proposed planting sites that BTP are undertaking during the upcoming planting season:

Once the locations are finalised, more plots will be added in the near future.

As part of our tree planting strategy, we are targeting several priority wards to increase the canopy cover and green-space. Using TreePlotter, we can accurately plot the trees proposed for those areas, as well as alter the data over time.

Planting sites on TreePlotter

If you have anything to contribute, or just keen to get involved in the tree planting and species, please contact us.

Summer Social 2023: How did it go?

The rain didn’t dampen these volunteers’ spirits because BTP’s Summer Social of 2023 had a room full in attendance. As our successes and endeavours continue to grow, we wanted to share the day with old and new volunteers, giving presentations, talks and workshops to display our ongoing work in Birmingham. We want to continue building a base of knowledge and a wealth of ‘treeformation’ for our volunteers, tying into wider projects, partnering with other organisations, to elevate this work onto a wider platform.

Street Trees
Nina giving a street tree survey presentation
Nina giving a street tree survey presentation

After registration and an introduction from Tonia Clark and Ian McDermott, Nina Griffiths started the summer social with a thorough presentation, highlighting her current work on the street tree surveying. They are assessing the crown die back, overall condition and possible damage of newly planted and old street trees around Birmingham neighbourhoods. The study highlights the lack of biodiversity and various recurring problems, proving that these citizen science surveys are imperative due to their informative results, showing what we can do to improve certain areas.

L2 Awards
Steve Watson hugging Ian McDermott, receiving his L2 Arboriculture award.

Following on from this fountain of knowledge, several volunteers that have undertaken their own quest to further their qualifications within arboriculture we rightly rewarded; Deb Cashmore, Tonia Clark, Willie McGee, Julianne Statham, Tanya Upton, Stephen Watson, and Lawrence Weston (unfortunately not in attendance) were awarded their certificates for completing the L2 Arboriculture course. This is the first course that BTP have run, and the students have done spectacularly, as well as the second course currently running and going well.

iTree Eco 2023
Mac giving an iTree Eco survey update
Mac giving an iTree Eco update

Ian McDermott, having presented the awards, had no time to rest before delivering a detailed presentation on the iTree Eco 2023 survey of Birmingham Coventry and Solihull. As some of you will know, our volunteers completed the survey in a shocking two weeks, exhibiting great determination and enjoying themselves whilst doing so. The survey intends to supply the information needed to increase canopy cover and green space in key areas, having surveyed the random plots around the City of Birmingham that our volunteers oversaw. This has been a spectacular achievement for us and our volunteers, who deserve the praise, as it has been completed faster than any study of its kind previously, as well as being the largest. Congratulations to everyone involved.

Tree Trails
Dee giving a tree trails presentation - photographed through tree leaves
Dee giving a Tree Trails presentation

Not only did we provide our survey updates, but Dee Brettle gave an interesting talk on the work she has done, to digitize the Friends of the Parks’ Tree Trails, to keep exact locations updated and reducing costs of printed trails. If you have a mobile, playing ‘Pokémon Go for trees’ is something that can be encouraged as a green prescription, for old and young, and the online data can include seasonal images, provides extensive information at the beginning of each trail (the Friends group involved, the trail and trees).

Practical Sessions
Ian helping the urban forest volunteers identify species, whilst Dee plots them using TreePlotter.

During the split practical sessions of the summer social for the Street Tree surveys and Tree Trails, the groups were able to learn from Nina and Dee first-hand, showing the volunteers how to measure and record street tree data, as well as selecting the best species of trees to include in your trails. We managed to gain two new Street Tree volunteers, but we are keen to find more, so if you are interested in looking after your trees near you, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


After tea, coffee, and delicious cake made by Julianne, the day wound to a close with the group talking and buzzing with enthusiasm. We want to thank those of you who attended, those who presented and organised the event, and those who provided culinary help. We are looking forward to our next event, but if you want to stay updated in the meantime, please join our ever-growing mailing list.

MAC’s Big Green Weekender

BTP will have a stall alongside fellow organisation BOSF on Sunday 17th September, at MAC’s Big Green Weekender, promoting trees and the urban forest.

If you are interested, and hopefully you are, please come along and visit us! The stall will be looked after by several Trustees and employees throughout the day, and we would love to see some familiar – and new – faces at the event.

Please note BTP are only attending the second day of the weekender, Big Green Sunday.

mac's big green weekender

iTree Eco? Completed!

As of roughly 8pm last night (02/07/23), the iTree Eco 2023 citizen science survey, carried out by our incredible team of urban forest volunteers, has been COMPLETED! A huge congrats to the volunteers, who have completed the survey faster than any of its kind previously. That’s no mere feat, and we want to make sure they know the important role they have played during this project, and the wonderful things we can do for Birmingham’s urban forest with the results.

Summer Social 2023

BTP's Summer Social! The BTP Summer Social 2023 Educational Meet, 13th August | Winterbourne Botanic Gardens, Tea, coffe & cake - graphic

Come along, volunteers and newcomers alike, to the Summer Social that BTP are holding at the Horticulture School, a part of Winterbourne House and Gardens, for a jam-packed day of talks and activities with the Trustees and new employees of the charity.

Find out more about urban tree management, get some updates on the Street Tree and iTree Eco surveys that are underway, and there’s even an L2 Arboriculture awards ceremony. There will be some food and drink provided, and the event is free to attend, so what’s stopping you? We look forward to seeing you at our summer social event!

iTree Eco: BBC Radio WM at 7:35pm tonight!

A graphic created to illustrate BTP's BBC WM radio appearance, with two urban forest volunteers with speech bubbles

We have been invited by Natalie Graham at BBC Radio WM (95.6FM 11C DAB) to talk about the ongoing West Midlands Combined Authority citizen science iTree Eco survey, that we are undertaking alongside Treeconomics, Barton Hyett Associates Ltd and Forest Research, in order to assess and address Birmingham’s local needs for trees.

Please tune in this evening at 7:35pm to listen to Ian McDermott talk about all things iTree with Natalie, spreading awareness of our collaborative project, and hopefully bringing communities together, to achieve a greener city with better canopy cover.

West Midlands commissions large-scale study of its tree population

What are we doing?

Citizen science groups and volunteers, engaged through local urban forest volunteer schemes, will play a significant role in a new study of the West Midlands urban forest. The study, commissioned by the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), will investigate and record the composition, condition, ecosystem services, replacement value, and many other characteristics of the urban forest. The surveying is due to start in early July, and once complete will be the largest of its kind within the UK.

Who is doing it?

The study will be managed in partnership, by Birmingham TreePeople, Treeconomics, Barton Hyett Associates, and Forest Research, who were commissioned by WMCA. It will involve an assessment of over 1,000 sample plots across Birmingham, Solihull and Coventry. These plots will fall on both public and private land, providing a comprehensive picture of the area’s urban forest. This study has been made possible through funding received from the Emergency Tree Fund (ETF), administered by The Woodland Trust, and support’s the WMCA’s ambition to expand the woodland cover of the region, to tackle both the climate and ecological emergencies.

How will we do it?

The information gained during the study will be processed using i-Tree Eco, a software application that quantifies the structure and environmental effects of urban trees, and calculates their value to society. i-Tree Eco has already been used in many tree studies across the UK. The study will produce a detailed report of the WMCA’s urban forest, which covers a significant geographical area. The data will be used to enhance and inform tree management decisions and ambitions identified in Birmingham’s Urban Forest Master Plan, produced in 2021. It will also focus efforts associated with the 5-year plan for tackling carbon emissions and the Natural Environment Plan.

Why are we doing it?

Having the data will enable local initiatives, such as tree planting programmes, to be coordinated and prioritised according to local requirements, considering environmental and social factors like air pollution, public health and well-being. The study will complement the i-Tree survey, that took place in 2022 in the Black Country.

The final report, due to be completed in December 2023, will provide the necessary information to underpin the decisions made by urban forest managers, to improve their trees’ resilience and diversity. It will also address potential threats from a changing climate, and risks associated with pests and diseases. The study will help ensure that long-term strategic management is an integral part of urban forest management and will enable bench-marking with similar urban forest initiatives across the world to take place.

Additional Information

About Us

Birmingham TreePeople is an Urban Forest Volunteer led charity, that comprises of leading individuals within the local sector, with the intention of planting, protecting and promoting trees and the urban forest in and around Birmingham. For more information, please visit the following website:

About Treeconomics

Treeconomics is a UK-based consultancy that works internationally with community groups, research organisations, public bodies, municipalities, and private business to complete projects that highlight the value of trees.

About WMCA

The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) is a group of local authorities, set up in 2016, that together can make decisions pertaining to their individual regions. Its aim is to make the West Midlands a happy, healthy place to live.

About iTree

i-Tree is a software suite developed collaboratively by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, the Davey Tree Expert Company, the International Society of Arboriculture, the Society of Municipal Arborists, the Arbor Day Foundation, and Casey Trees – collectively known as the i-Tree Cooperative.

Contact Us

Contact: Charlotte McDermott, Communications Officer, Birmingham TreePeople, 07305302835, [email protected]

iTree Eco: first practical training session

To kick-start the July white rabbit, the iTree Eco survey that Birmingham TreePeople are undertaking (in conjunction with Treeconomics, Barton Hyett Associates Ltd and Forest Research), had its first surveying training session with the volunteers at Winterbourne House and Gardens. Over one hundred people have signed up to be a part of this nationwide survey, that will be the largest of its kind when it is completed in December.

Mac delivering iTree training

One of Birmingham TreePeople’s trustees, trainer and lecturer Ian McDermott delivered the practical seminar on how to sample the plots correctly and accurately within the survey. There are 450 sample plots in Birmingham that the citizen science lead project will be taking data from, for us to find out exactly where we need to work in terms of priority. Ben from Treeconomics, who are leading the survey, assisted Ian during the seminar to help the volunteers measure and record the data.

The session was a resounding success with the expert-lead teams and the enthusiastic volunteers – this imperative and important survey, using the iTree Eco software, will change and innovate the way councils and organisations are able to work with trees to increase canopy cover, reduce urban heating, help storm-water drainage, improve air quality, and more crucial factors. This is just another step on the path to making Birmingham greener and reduce the carbon footprint. We look forward to the next one!

Let’s talk about trees: How did it go?

This is the first time that BTP have attempted a community engagement outreach like this event, a year after we organised a fruit orchard planting in the same location; we were welcome back to Birmingham Central Mosque, on Monday 26th June, with open and hospitable arms. This Mosque was opened in the 1970’s, and Birmingham’s street tree planting programme is the oldest in the UK, dating back to the 1870’s; we want to bridge cultures and build relations, spanning decades… so let’s talk about trees.

After the initial setup, the day kicked off immediately with the arrival of Ivy House School pupils and staff, creating the vibrant and intrigued atmosphere that we surely hoped for. Some of our BTP Trustees and Staff – Simon, Deb, Mac, Justine, Julianne, Steve and Katy – worked hard to give the community precious knowledge about trees, leading to several interests in volunteering with us in the near future.

Mac and Justine gave a joint introduction and throughout the day gave interesting talks; Steve gave a talk on wood rings and tree dating, and there was much interest in the displays (especially the cones!) in the community meeting room. It was an overall thrilling and busy experience, and many people learned facts about trees that they didn’t know the day before. You learn something new every day – why shouldn’t it be about trees?

Many thanks to the staff from the Mosque who made us feel at home, and we want to humbly thank every individual who visited; the community, the National Trust attendees, Cllr Sam Forsyth (Quinton), and Helen Harvey from BOSF.

Photographs provided by Justine Marklew and Ian McDermott with permission from Birmingham Central Mosque.